«повышает стоимость недвижимости»

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Англичанин Демиен Хирст, чью мертвую акулу можно увидеть в музее Метрополитен и чья работа «Череп с бриллиантами» был продан за фантастическую сумму, выставил в Lever House инсталляцию (Park Ave and 53rd St.До 7 февраля) School: The Archaeology of Lost Desires, Comprehending Infinity, and the Search for Knowledge — Школа: археология потерянных желаний, понимание вечности и поиски знания». Стоимость в $10 миллионов. Эби Розен, владелец дома, запланировал работу с художником два года назад. Инсталляция состоит из одной мертвой акулы, 30 мертвых овец, 300 сосисок, две говяжьи туши, 500 галлонов формалина. Газета The New York Times назвала эту работу «Ноев Ковчег наоборот» (не уверена в переводе, постараюсь уточнить) и считает, что — если это и искусство, то не для широкой публики.

Владелец дома говорит, что выставки повышают стоимость недвижимости.

Художник посвящает инсталляцию своим коллегам от Уорхала до Френсиса Бекона.

А вот что пишут про новое поколение российских коллекционеров современного искусства:


Janna Bullock, a Russian-born real estate developer, is one of them. Previously little known to the Russian public, she has become one of the leaders in the country’s contemporary art scene with her support of artists such as American Matthew Barney and Russia’s Andrei Molodkin.

One of the five works is a sculpture of a dollar sign half filled with oil, a commentary on the Russian economy’s dependence on the US dollar and oil exports. She plans to display it in one of her office buildings. «I collect works to which I feel a deep connection, and I don’t plan to sell any of them,» said Bullock. «I like to collect art works that are totally different from each other, from totally different artists.» Her collection has about 30 works by the Japanese artist Yoshitomo Nara, best known for his naive and childlike heroes.

She has five photos and two oil paintings by American Richard Prince, and 10 works by David Salle. In November, she bought British artist Leon Kossoff’s «Portrait of a Woman» for $225,000. Other recent acquisitions include works by Britain’s Gary Hume, Cuban-American artist Christian Curiel, and American Jennifer Steinkamp. Bullock graduated from Leningrad State University in 1989 with a degree in languages. Later that year, she moved to New York. In 1992, she founded RIGroup, a New York real estate company that restores historic properties on the Upper East Side.

RIGroup now owns about $100 million of Manhattan property, including the former New York Observer Building at 54 East 64th Street, and 9 East 67th Street, she said. In 2002, the company began working with office, retail and residential properties in Russia, where its assets now total about $100 million. «Developers have always supported contemporary art because both like to create something new,» said Bullock.

«I live with the desire to discover something new and original. Contemporary art fits this bill, forcing you to look at things differently.» Bullock’s next major art project will be as lead sponsor of «All in the Present Must be Transformed: Barney and Beuys,» an exhibit of works by Barney and Joseph Beuys that opens at the Peggy Guggenheim Collection in Venice on June 6 as part of the Venice Biennale.