Приношу глубочайшие извинения юзеру
Никакой связи между анонимом и
Технические объяснения Ноэля и другие подробности под катом.
Иногда кажется, что комменты пишет программа: реакция на любой мой пост была почти мгновенная.
Человеку пришлось бы не есть, не пить, на работу не ходить, а днем и ночью отслеживать изменения в моем ЖЖ.
Послания приходят с IP адреса начинающегося с цифр 95.73.
адрес динамический, последние цифры меняются.
С этого адреса приходят как сообщения анонимов, так и
послания от органов Пелевина, которые донимают не только меня.
В конце концов, получать гадости стало невыносимо и я попросила помощи у мужа.
Вот его описание случившегося:
I think that either:
(A) The anonymous commenter has stolen donor darum’s password and is regularly reading his private journal, while also posting the anonymous comments from the same computer;
or (B) The anonymous commenter is trying to damage donor darum’s reputation by making it appear that donor darum is posting the comments.
Either way, the anonymous commenter is someone who is specifically violating donor darum’s privacy or his trust, if they are known to him personally.
Here is why I think this:
1. You enabled IP address tracking for all commenters in LiveJournal. This allows you to see, without a doubt, which IP address was used by each person commenting on your journal. So you know, for example, the addresses used by the person(s) posting the nasty comments.
2. You created an ljtoys account. LJToys tries to figure out who is reading and posting to your journal, but its answers are less exact. Here is why ljtoys provides less exact answers:
a. LJToys gives you a little HTML snippet that you include in each post.
b. This snippet includes a tiny (1×1 pixel) transparent image in your post. They call it a «bug».
c. The «bug» image is located on LJToys’s server.
d. Whenever someone views an LJ entry containing the «bug», that person’s web browser requests the «bug» image from LJToys’s web server.
e. LJToys’s server records the IP address that requested the «bug», as well as the page the «bug» was displayed on (called the «referer»).
f. LJToys tries to identify the page from which the request for the bug was made — not the user who requested it. LJToys has no way to definitively identify the user. (LJToys is completely unconnected to LJ itself.)
g. The letter codes displayed by ljtoys in the «readers» list are important. You have to read the documentation carefully for each.
h. The «F» code indicates that the page containing the bug was a «friends» page.
i. LJToys suggests that it is reasonable to assume that someone looking over and over again at a «friends» page is the owner of that page. After all, usually people do not look at other people’s «friends» pages. The «friends» page is used by most LJ users as their way of reading posts by their friends.
j. So an entry with an «F» and an LJ username tells you that the associated IP address probably belongs to that user. When that IP address matches an IP address of an anonymous commenter, if the timestamps are close together, it is reasonable to assume that the anonymous commenter was the owner of the friend page.
k. But, of course, there are other possibilities:
i. The anonymous commenter may be using the same router as the known user.
ii. The anonymous commenter may have stolen the password of the known user.
iii. The anonymous commenter may be trying to make it look like the known user is the anonymous commenter. (This would be accomplished by visiting the known user’s «friends» page a few times before and after posting the anonymous comments.)
3. So, the apparent correspondence between donor darum and the anonymous commenter(s) was reasonable, but not definite. You were correct not to state with 100% certainty that he was the anonymous commenter; nevertheless, the correspondences displayed by ljtoys are exactly the kinds of possibilities that that tool is designed to help investigate.
4. Since donor darum has a static IP address, the possibility that the anonymous commenter is using the same router as him is ruled out.
5. I think it is most likely that either someone has stolen donor darum’s password, or someone is trying to make it look like donor darum was posting the comments.
a. To make it look like he was posting the comments, by creating misleading ljtoys results, would require that the attacker assume that you would use ljtoys to try to identify him.
b. A stolen password seems more likely. It could be that the anonymous commenter is logging in as donor darum and reading his journal (perhaps private entries), and is also posting the anonymous comments from the same machine.
6. The quick way to test whether it’s 5a or 5b is for donor darum to change his password. If ljtoys no longer shows «F» entries for donor darum from the same IP address as the anonymous comments, then this shows it was a stolen password. If the same behavior continues, then it seems most likely that someone is trying to make donor darum look like the anonymous commenter.
Безусловно, я совершила грубую ошибку, не дождавшись ответа самого donor_darom. Тем более, что когда ЛЖ_Тойс показал мне его юзер-найм, я буквально не поверила своим глазам.
Впредь буду знать, что верить нужно себе, а не программе.
Я не очень надеюсь, что
максимально устранить урон, нанесенный его репутации.
Качество текстов пиздыпелевина совершенно точно определил юзер
Но ее настойчивость лично мне кажется мучительной.
У программы есть и поклонники:
Держитесь, вы — феномен, не чета всякой пиздобратии:)
Начиналось все с ерничества, теперь у меня как-то пропало желание потешаться над пиздой пелевина. По сравнению с огромным потоком письма плохого качества в ЖЖ, пизда пелевина в наименьшей степени бот, чем многие и многие, только формально ботами не являющиеся — да, просто луч света в конце туннеля, пизда пелевина. Хоть что-то живое. Чтобы это увидеть, достаточно поменьше быть занятым комплексами собственной неполноценности и маниакально трястись над чувством собственного достоинства. Если оно есть, то пизда пелевина ему тем более не помеха. Вот и все.
Поклонники пизды с ней даже знакомы лично.