Запрет на участие картин Авдея Тер-Оганьяна в выставке "Русский контрапункт" в Лувре показывает, что именно требуется для возбуждения бурных эмоций у религиозной общественности.
Ничего не требуется.
При этом, религиозные общественники, поддерживаемые государством, хотят не только тащить и не пущать, им уже нужна реальная кровь, как в случае с экстрадицией Мавроматти.
Свинорылые таможенники и держиморды в минкультуры — прекрасный (лучший!) инструмент взвинчивания цен СоврИска. Все скандальные произведения неотвратимо повышаются в цене, а заодно растут цены и на другие картины их автора.
Художник Тер-Оганьян вместо капитализации и раскручивания скандала вокруг себя любимого, предпринимает попытку устроить коллективный бойкот выставки в Лувре, чтобы помочь Мавроматти избежать экстрадиции на … родину и Суда Обиженных.
Выражаю восхищение и полную поддержку!
вот сообщество, в поддержку Олега Мавроматти http://community.livejournal.com/mavromatti/profile
Юля Вольфсон (j-volfson) написала пресс-релиз (под катом). Если у кого-то есть возможность послать его в любую западную организацию, перевести на какой-нибудь язык, пожалуйста, помогите!
Все очень важно и серьезно: дальше отступать некуда, за Мавроматти находимся мы.
Avdei Ter-Oganian withdraws from the Louvre exhibition. Critiques censorship, persecution of artist Oleg Mavromatti in Russia, demands to drop charges against him
Russian Ministry of Culture and Russian Federal Commission for Protection of Cultural Heritage banned several works from the exhibition “Counterpoint: Russian Contemporary Art” (October 2010), organized by the Louvre Museum in Paris in association with the National Center for Contemporary Art, Moscow and support of Louis Vuitton in the framework of the "Year of Russia in France".
According to Openspace.ru the director general of the National Center for Contemporary Art, Michael Mindlin said that the works by Avdei Ter-Oganian from the series “Radical Abstractionism” (2004) were banned as they are "unfriendly, provocative in nature. Those are insulting not only to Russian authorities. One work is inciting a religious hatred: its abstract image on a green background could be read as negative statement against Islam. " Mr Mindlin noted that Russian officials would not interfere should Ter-Oganyan's art be taken out of Russia in private. "But since it is transported through the state organization, it would shadow an unwanted political overtones." — he said.
Another Russian media source, Artchronica Magazine reveals that Director of the Department of Cultural Heritage and Fine Arts of Russian Ministry of Culture, Ramazan Coloev personally looked at the list of works for the Louvre exhibition, and expressed his concern about the works by Ter-Oganian.
The artist himself reacted to such a decision by calling the show participants to boycott the exhibition. In his blog he published an Open Letter, in which he claimed his withdrawal from the show until the two demands are met. First, Russian officials should recognize his artwork and release it for the show. Second, they need to stop criminal persecution of Russian artists for their art, as the incompetentce of jack in the office in this matter is obvious. In particular, Ter-Oganian expressed his concern with regard to the situation around artist Oleg Mavromatti, who was wrongly charged with inciting religious hatred ten years ago, and had to flee the country facing five years in jail. Mr Mavromatti currently residing in Bulgaria, was recently refused his passport renewal by Russian authorities, as a measure for his future extradition to Russia.
Ter-Oganian writes in his blog: “I would like to draw attention to close ties between art and the authorities in Russia… For my banned work, actually, was created for this exact purpose, and it clearly showed the idiocy of idiots.” He states that his situation is similar to Mavromatti’s, who is legally pressed over the inadequacy of Russian pen-pushers. While previously their dullness was not immediately evident, the current situation sets it quite straight.
Please see Avdei Ter-Oganian’s banned artworks and the Open Letter here: http://j-volfson.livejournal.com/183167.html
Details on Oleg Mavromatti’s case: